In a ever-changing and complex world, security concern are paramount. Enhanced security requires education, training and specialized skills. Helldiver Chariot Company provides end-to-end risk management and comprehensive security solutions to safeguard people and infrastructure golobally. Furthermore, we offer military support in crisis regions.
Our team of strategic problem solvers have a steadfast moral compass and unwavering dedication to create a world of peace. Helldiver Chariot Company (HDCCOY) is committed to the succsess of our customers and partners.
Securing your success
In order to secure your sucess in a dynamic and high threat environment, we rely heavily on training and pracitcing together. With our experience spanning a broad range of security and risk management services in Syria, the persian Gulf, Caucasus and the Sinai peninsular, we integrate a high level of teamwork between the three different platoons.
Flight training is a integral part of being a member of one of the Helldiver platoons. We offer a streamlined onboarding process beginning with a familiarization flight and slowly introducing you to our SOP.
After first contact on our discord, you beginn to go through a well thought out training pipleline including fundamentals of flight, basic combat movement and engagement drills. The "Wingman Pipeline" is also our team building phase where we will fly together, get to know each other and bring havoc to PVP and PVE servers in DCS.
Apart from that, we expect you to practice flying on the side as well, to improve and put into practice what you have learned.
(*A minimum entry level is required. More info on Discord*)
Wingman pipeline

Our Platoons

KA-50 platoon
The primary missions of the Heresy platoon is reconnaissance, security, movement to contact, and attack to facilitate ground maneuver. Heresy teams are maneuver units that can dominate, but not occupy, terrain for limited periods.

Mi-24 platoon
Violence platoon enables the supported commander to mass combat power rapidly at the decisive time and place to affect a battles outcome. Attacks may be coordinated with other maneuver, combat support, CSS, and joint forces to form a combined arms team.

Mi-8 platoon
Limbo platoon conduct air assaults in support of offensive, defensive and stability operations throughout the depth and breadth of the AO. They also provide operational and logistical support for HDCCOY.

OH-58 platoon
The Kiowa Warrior is used mainly as a limited range reconnaissance asset within HDCCOY. Greed platoon's task is to provide route and area reconnaissance and guide follow up teams towards their battle positions. They are also used as a overwatch and security element.

*non immersive*
Helldiver Chariot Company is a EU-based REDFOR focused helo group in DCS World. It is characterized by objective based training, which is intended to give its members an edge in PVP but also ensure effective mission accomplishment in PVE. Regardless of any hard skills required, HDCCOY is looking for simpilots who are willing to immerse themselves in the world of DCS and put teamplay above their own ego.
Although not a REFOR helicopter, the Kiowa Warrior is being embedded within the HDCCOY currently. This brings a couple of challenges with it, but we are well on the way to establish SOP's during combined arms operations for all platoons including the new KW.
If there is a way to describe our playstyle, we'd call it:
Relaxed professionalism.

Pre-flight Check
Flying in DCS demands a high level of skill and expertise due to its challenging environment. It requires extensive training and hands-on experience to fully immerse yourself in the true essence of DCS flight. As we operate in our leisure time with limited resources, we uphold a certain entry skill level to ensure a satisfying experience for all involved, minimizing frustration.
Curious to learn more? Feel free to reach out and inquire further.

Pre-flight check list

Pre-flight check list
18 years of age or older
no member of another virt. squadron
able to attend main events
basic skill level (procedure requ.)
able to hover-check / hover-taxi
Maps: Syria, Afghanistan
able to start from "cold & dark"

HDCCOY Contact
Helldiver (S3)
Operations & Training
Discord username: mortalmando
Join the Team
We are glad you found interested in Helldiver Chariot Company. This is the first step in getting in touch with us directly. Please take your time and fill out the questions below. We will make sure to reply as soon as possible but this may take a few days.
Keep in mind, we are a small team and like you, we are looking for like-minded, dedicated and cool people to spend our time with in our free time.
Note: The information is only for internal use. Your Email adress will be our contact point until you are member of the Helldiver Discord. You will need your email adress as well in the future to gain access to a members area on this website.